Automatic Re-recording
Over time, your cassettes may get out-of-date. APIs change and sites you scrape get updated. VCR provides a facility to automatically re-record your cassettes. Enable re-recording using the :re_record_interval
The value provided should be an interval (expressed in seconds) that determines how often VCR will re-record the cassette. When a cassette is used, VCR checks the earliest recorded_at
timestamp in the cassette; if more time than the interval has passed since that timestamp, VCR will use the :all
record mode to cause it be re-recorded.
Given a previously recorded cassette file "cassettes/example.yml" with:
And a file named "re_record.rb" with:
Cassette is not re-recorded when not enough time has passed
Given it is Tue, 07 Nov 2011
When I run ruby re_record.rb
Then the output should contain "Old Response"
But the output should not contain "New Response"
And the file "cassettes/example.yml" should contain "Old Response"
But the file "cassettes/example.yml" should not contain "New Response".
Cassette is re-recorded when enough time has passed
Given it is Tue, 09 Nov 2011
When I run ruby re_record.rb
Then the output should contain "New Response"
But the output should not contain "Old Response"
And the file "cassettes/example.yml" should contain "New Response"
But the file "cassettes/example.yml" should not contain "Old Response".
Last updated